Thursday, December 18, 2008

More sikaflex and more black gunk everywhere.

Did I mention that sikaflex has to be the messiest and most invasive product on the market....but boy is is good. Nowdays everybody claims their product does this and does that but many do not ever deliver what they profess to deliver...Sikaflex does.

The sheeting of the bus in Aluminium is a slow process that must be done the same way each time otherwise you will get a different result.

Here is the part fiished result , I sure am happy with the finish . My frind and i have decided that we are quite anal ,but then again that is why we get such a good result. I am dying to know what the finished bus will look like and what it will be worth...plenty I would imagine. Being a cabinet maker the interior and exterior finish will be quite exceptional. I intend to have the painting done by a painter who is a custom truck painter..I think he will be as fussy as I am.. hope so anyway.

You will note that there are not many windows....rear one on LHS has yet to go in, this is what separates a bus conversion from a mobile home .

Anyway enough for now... Sich talk to you later.

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