Monday, December 15, 2008

More bussing and more to come.

Every day that I work on our bus I realise that the most important thing I am learning is not the skills required but patience. You can try to hurry but that will get you nowhere. Every thing you do takes a certain amount of time and that time you must give the project.

Moving the door required making curved sides of the door to match the frame. One side took about two hours of hammering ,bending and heating , the other side ( the second one) took about 10 minutes . Luckily it happened that way round otherwise I would have been devastated.

This curved door tested me to the limit but the end result is better than I had hoped for. Success is a better drug than anything I think...the euphoric feeling is great. The door took all in all about three weeks of part time work but the end result......fantastic.

I wonder sometimes what sort of idiot purchases a bus for $40000.00 then sets about pulling it apart without prior adventurous one I would think. Now I have moved the door I think it was well and truly worth it. A recently deceased friend worried about the project but just before he died he said " yep it is going to be good... " from him that was a good omen. Sadly he will not see the finished project unless there is an after life and who says there is not.

I do not care when I die....preferrably later rather than sooner but the one thing I do not want to die of is boredom. I see people ready to retire who have no plans or sad. I went out to tea the other night with four of my wifes friends and their husbands and we talked about retirement. One had golf ( how much can you play?) , one drove a truck and thought of nothing else , one had sold steel for a company all his life and one never said what he had planned ( could not really say what he had planned ). I don't think that I really fitted in.

After this bus is completed and I have used it I am going to converta 4WD truck to an offroad camper then go and see parts of this beautiful country that most people never see .

Enough for now.. see you later.......Sich.

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