Friday, January 23, 2009

Progress takes time ...time...time and more time.

Last post saw the batteries moved and the bins starting to be put in...much has happened since then. I have finished putting in the bins and the frame to hold the grey water tank.. aftermuch to do about what weight it would need to carry then I realised the grey water tank needs to be empty most of the time so that you can put waste water in it....duh! What good is a full waste water tank I ask you.

Thr framing has all been covered by the aluminium sheet.. the rear bin already has a frame made that only needs to be clad . The bin behind the wheel needs a frame , overcentre locking locks and to be framed. Now I am sure you are all asking how do they clamp the aluminium sheet on...well here is the answer.

Load straps you know the ratchet type are clamped around the bus ( blue straps ) and then tightened up. The plywood is so that the load from the straps is spread out so we do not have a point load , the point load would cause it to show buckles in the sheeting. The pieces of timber under the straps and on top of the ply gives the required point load.

See it is not complicated just sneaky.

I now have only one sheet left to put on and this should be finished early next week .

In the meantime my friend whom I have mentioned earlier has made a boss to adapt my new steering wheel to my tapered shaft. ( See.....Adventure Camping- Silama). I ordered my new seats this week.. all is going well and the inside should be underway soon. Painting first though.

Anyway talk to you soon.


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